2015, Number 1
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2015; 19 (1)
Influence of smoking and alcoholism on the population of Pinar del Río
Paredes DR, Orraca CO, Marimón TER, Casanova MMC, Véliz MDM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 46-56
PDF size: 157.54 Kb.
Introduction: Lifestyle is based on the interaction among life conditions and conduct patterns of the individuals. Alcohol consumption and smoking, physical inactivity and non-healthy diet are examples of factors related with the individual behavior, influencing on the population’s state of health.
Objective: to determine the influence of alcohol consumption and smoking on the health of the Pinar del Río population.
Material and method: An observational, analytical and cross-sectional study of prevalence was performed in Pinar del Río Municipality during the year 2010. 2515 individuals were chosen by complex sampling condensed and grouped by stages. A tool was used for surveillance of risk factors of chronic diseases, Pan-American version STEPS. The processing and analysis of the results was made using the statistical tool SPSS for the design of complex samples.
Results: prevalence of high blood pressure (40%), overweight and obesity (40.5%), hypercholesterolemia (16%), hypertriglyceridemia (15.5%), diabetes (11.1%), alcohol consumption (9.8%) and glomerular filtering under 60 ml/min (21.6%) was higher in smokers, while the prevalence of high blood pressure (45.6%), hypertriglyceridemia (22.4%) and smoking (50.4%) was higher in alcohol consumers.
Conclusions: smoking and alcohol consumption, as being risky and harmful, influence negatively on the health of the Pinar del Río population, being smoking the most present factor, determined by its highest prevalence among the population.
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