2015, Number 1
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2015; 62 (1)
Usefulness of laboratory tests in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma
Pedroza VA, Zamora PA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 55-62
PDF size: 352.47 Kb.
In the case of a disease like multiple myeloma, its symptoms, complications, and mortality, a quick and timely detection is a priority. Considering the importance of a comprehensive assessment, this project aims at evaluating commonly requested tests, like serum protein electrophoresis, serum light chains, Bence Jones protein and serum protein immunofixation, and according to the results, verifying their sensitivity and specificity in order to detect the relevance, necessity and usefulness of each of them in the comprehensive diagnosis of multiple myeloma. A retrospective study of samples taken and sent to the Central Laboratory of Medical Diagnostics Olab for testing protein electrophoresis, Bence Jones protein, serum protein immunofixation and determination of serum light chains was performed. Comparing the results of the reliability indices described, it was determined that if there is a test that is most useful in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma, this test could be the determination of light chains in serum because of its specificity, which means that in this test, altered values would appear as soon as alterations in the production of plasma cells start in the bone marrow; however, the test could not confirm the existence of multiple myeloma because of its low sensitivity. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis could be obtained using, in addition, serum protein electrophoresis, since such test has the parameters studied in balance.
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