2014, Number 4
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Rev cubana med 2014; 53 (4)
Emotional regulation in adolescents with essential hypertension
Pérez DY, Guerra MVM, Zamora FY, Grau ÁR
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 392-401
PDF size: 98.72 Kb.
Introduction: current researches acknowledge the need to provide timely and
comprehensive care to children who have essential hypertension from the health
care standpoint. In studies with hypertensive adolescents, emotional regulation has
emerged as a possible risk factor associated with the course and outcome of this
Objective: To characterize emotion regulation in adolescents with essential
Methods: 20 hypertensive adolescents were studied. They were compared with 20
normotensive adolescents. Psychological techniques used were such as: scale
difficulties in emotional regulation, in Spanish, for teens; structured interview; trait
anxiety inventory-state, the kid version (IDAREN); Kovacs Children's Depression
Inventory (CDI), and inventory of expressions of the state-trait anger, child-teen
(STAXI-II CA) version. For data analysis, SPSS version 15.0 was used, through
descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: hypertensive adolescents had difficulties in emotion regulation and poor
repertoire of strategies, their use was inflexible, rumination and repression
predominated. These difficulties had the greatest impact on levels of anxiety and
depression prone to adjustment problems, which affected the emotional well-being
of these patients. The found characteristics of emotion regulation in hypertensive
adolescents distinguished them from the group of normotensive adolescents.
Conclusions: hypertensive adolescents are characterized by ineffective regulation
of emotions, especially anxiety and sadness, which affects their emotional wellbeing
and increases their vulnerability to disease.
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