2011, Number 2
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2011; 9 (2)
Nail manifestations in systemic diseases
Sevilla GFK, Ocampo CJ
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 131-138
PDF size: 302.02 Kb.
The visual physical exam of the nails can be useful for diagnosis
of underlying systemic diseases. Although abnormalities of the
nails have been reported in different systemic disorders, most
of these abnormalities are nonspecific. Clubbing often suggests
pulmonary disease or inflammatory bowel disease. Koilonychia
or “spoon-shaped” nails, may stimulate a work-up for anemia
or hemochromatosis. Beau’s lines may indicate previous severe
illness, or a simple trauma. In patients with Muehrcke’s lines,
causes of hypoalbuminemia should be ruled out. Splinter hemorrhage
in patients with heart murmur and unexplained fever
can herald endocarditis. When evaluating nails for diagnostic
clues, it is important to examine all of the nails as well as surrounding
nail tissues.
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