2014, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (3)
Value of Functional Activity Questionnaire to assess the profile of the activities implemented in cuban elderly with mild cognitive impairment
Pérez DR, Peña SES, Ranero V, Peña GA
Language: Spanish
References: 37
PDF size: 258.19 Kb.
Introduction: The Questionnaire of Functional Activity Pfeffer and FAQ collaborators are a useful instrument to measure the mild decline cognitive (MCL), but it has been little explored in our context.
Objectives: To determine FAQ´s evaluation to assess the implemented daily activities ((IDA) in
Cuban elders with (MCL); to identify the profile of IDA in MCL and to characterize the patients
with MC according to sex, age and education.
Methods: A descriptive, transversal study was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample of
elders assisted at the Cognitive Decline
Clinic from CITED (2010-2011). They were divided into two groups. A group with MCL and a
healthy group and at the same time by sex, age, and education. FAQ was applied for the IDA to
the interviewed individuals (previous context´s validation) to achieve the ethical principles. To
compare both groups there were used descriptive statistical and X2 Test.
Results: The elders with MCL did the IDA, though some of them presented some degree of
difficulty in their performance .For the aspect related to age significant differences were found
in shopping and greeting friends mainly in the eldest individuals. According to a started
hypothesis, a characteristically profile of IDA in the group with MCL was found. It was
significantly different in relation to the studied health group (for the firsts some implemented
functions presented none or minimal alterations meanwhile in the healthy group, these
alterations did not exist.
Conclusions: FAQ value is outstanding for the functional diagnose in patients with MCL in the
clinical practice. Final recommendations are given.
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