2014, Number 6
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (6)
Analysis of Content Management System for Collaborative Network at the Faculty of Medical Sciences 'Dr. Enrique Cabrera'
Valdespino AAI, León RK, Díaz SG, Gómez MP, Mailán AA, Martínez ORM, Tuyas PL, Ordoñez GII
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 973-983
PDF size: 90.07 Kb.
Introduction: it has been corroborated by studies conducted before the lack of an
information management system for the creation of a Collaborative Network; this
has led to direct the Information Technology and Communication in terms of these.
In this regard, the Faculty of Medical Sciences "Enrique Cabrera" seeks through the
management of research projects submitted in the organization of researchers and
teachers to create a Web site for which it is supported by a Content Management
System to help create a support structure for creating and managing content
digitally integrating both technological and intellectual resources.
Objective: to determine the Content Management System that best suits running a
Collaborative Network for the Faculty of Medical Sciences “Enrique Cabrera”.
Material and Methods: a literature review and documentary texts on the topic
was performed, which allowed to obtain the desired information. Several operators
are proposed and considered for selection: cost, licensing, security, programming
language, ease of use, among others. XP Extreme Programming methodology was
analyzed and selected.
Development: a characterization of the Content Management System is made:
Conclusions: determined for this study to Management System Contents modular
multipurpose Drupal as the most convenient also analyzed and chose XP Extreme
Programming methodology for the benefits it pays tax treaty with the matter.
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