2015, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2015; 53 (1)
Depression, anxiety and suicide risk symptoms among medical residents over an academic year
Jiménez-López JL, Arenas-Osuna J, Angeles-Garay U
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 20-28
PDF size: 109.67 Kb.
Background: One of the causes of dissatisfaction among residents is
related to burnout syndrome, stress and depression. The aim of this
study is to describe the prevalence of depression, anxiety and suicide
risk symptoms and its correlation with mental disorders among medical
residents over an academic year.
Methods: 108 medical residents registered to second year of medical
residence answered the Beck Depression Inventory, the State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory and the Suicide Risk Scale of Plutchik: at the entry, six
months later and at the end of the academic year.
Results: Residents reported low depressive symptoms (3.7 %), low anxiety
symptoms (38 %) and 1.9 % of suicide risk at the beginning of the
academic year, which increased in second measurement to 22.2 % for
depression, 56.5 % for anxiety and 7.4 % for suicide risk. The statistical
analysis showed significant differences between the three measurements
‹ 0.001). The prevalence of depressive disorder was 4.6 % and no anxiety
disorder was diagnosed. Almost all of the residents with depressive
disorder had personal history of depression. None reported the work or
academic environment as a trigger of the disorder. There was no association
by specialty, sex or civil status.
Conclusions: The residents that are susceptible to depression must
be detected in order to receive timely attention if they develop depressive
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