2014, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2014; 52 (6)
Experience on the management of a hepatitis A outbreak in a children daycare center
Cabrera-Gaytán DA, Nava-Martínez ML, Ontiveros D, Niebla-Fuentes MR, Grajales-Muñiz C, Rojas-Mendoza T
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 330-336
PDF size: 125.51 Kb.
Background: Since hepatitis A virus is transmitted via the fecal-oral
route, outbreaks in nurseries are favored by constant diaper changes
and failures in hygienic measures. The purpose of this investigation was
to describe an outbreak of hepatitis A between November 2012 and February
2013 at a nursery in Mexicali, Baja California, as well as the measures
adopted for its control.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on the outbreak and the
control measures, calculating the rates of attack and establishing proportions
using the Wilson’s scale. Pupils, workers or family members
with symptoms consistent with hepatitis A were considered to be suspected
cases. First-occurrence hepatitis A records were reviewed on the
Weekly Disease Surveillance Report at the involved medical units and
on the nursery’s infi rmary records.
Results: The global attack rate was 13.1 %, and in those captive in
the nursery, 9.5 %. Jaundice, biliuria and abdominal pain were the most
important clinical data. There were no deaths or hospitalizations. The
outbreak lasted 86 days. Control measures were based on epidemiological
surveillance reinforcement and preventive hygienic measures.
Conclusions: The outbreak showed a spreading trend, it affected
mainly children and showed the importance of health education and epidemiological
surveillance maintenance, extensive to the familial setting.
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