2013, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2013; 12 (3)
Characterization of some variables associated with acute myocardial infarction in Tinaco, Cojedes, Republic of Venezuela
Pérez EFA, Balmori MBL, Pérez RE
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 203-214
PDF size: 314.63 Kb.
Introduction: In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela diseases of hearth and circulation occupy the first place of the death causes in 1999; more than a half were due to myocardial infarction.
Objective: To determine some variables related to morbidity and mortality of the myocardial infarction.
Method: We performed an observational, descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective study using epidemiological methods to evaluate the occurrence of some variables related to morbidity and mortality from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the intensive care unit (ICU) of CDI: José Laurencio Silva of Tinaco County, Cojedes State, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela from January the 1st 2007 until December 31st 2008. The universe of study included all patients discharged from the ICU in the period aforementioned who fulfilled clinical, enzymatic and electrocardiographic criteria considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the diagnosis of AMI. A questionnaire was developed to collect all data.
Results: The AMI occurred more frequently in males (72.7%). Killip I functional class was the most common (72.7%). The anterior location was the commonest electrocardiographic finding. Thrombolysis was performed in 44.5% of the patients. The most common side effects during thrombolysis were arrhythmias (80%), tremor and chills (60%) and hypotension (40%). There were no deaths in the group who received thrombolytic therapy.
Conclusions: Patients with thrombolysis exhibited a total reduction of the mortality.
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