2014, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2014; 5 (2)
The Bioethics in the expert systems
Yates VY, Alfonso GMA, Pérez MN, Medina AD
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-8
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It was carried out a bibliographical revision, starting from digital sources and printed national and international literature, related with the Bioethics and the expert systems, with the purpose of analyzing the systems expert bioethically. They were used like theoretical methods the Historical-Logical, Analysis- Synthesis and Induction-Deduction, being the main empiric method the analysis documentary. The bioethics forces to think on the human condition, and to know the possibilities of growing like creative beings. Continuing evolving spiritually toward a new vision of the world where the humans are not the masters of the nature and become the protectors of the same, in alliance with the technology. The Bioethics should erect and use like bastion and defense and incorpo-rate in all work investigative and daily of the human beings. You/he/she/it could not neglect the ethical formation of the investigators, who upon thinking of science and technology could not neglect the social responsibility and the consequences of each one of their acts. It constitutes the new scientific ethics that combines the humility, the responsibility and the competition, and that it intensifies the sense of the humanity.
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