2014, Number 4
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Acta Med 2014; 12 (4)
Attitude towards food intake and body weight
Balsa FMP
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 181-188
PDF size: 181.01 Kb.
Objective: To analyze how the attitude towards food intake –which is the tendency to eat anytime motivated by the desire to avoid emotions or other attitudes derived from behavioral beliefs related with food, regardless its effect on health– may affect body weight.
Methods: A descriptive-correlation study was undertaken to measure the relation between attitude towards food intake and different body weight categories by applying the Attitude towards Food Intake Scale an the corresponding variance analysis. In addition, a stepwise regression was calculated to determine the subscales that predict weight gain.
Results: The presence of an attitude towards food intake in every weight category was confirmed, thus defining a profile with the different dimensions of each one: normal weight, overweight, and obesity.Weight gain predictors were also established for each of these categories.
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