2014, Number 3
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2014; 22 (3)
Nursing process with a focus on palliative care to the pediatric patient with bilateral retinoblastoma
González-Castillo MG, Ramírez-Villegas RM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 145-152
PDF size: 233.61 Kb.
Introduction: The nursing process guarantees quality nursing care to eff ectively intervene on major
health problems of people; a way of addressing these problems is the proposal of methodological
integrative model for nursing care (MIMCE). In particular, both methodologies were used
with palliative care approach to the design and implementation of the nursing care process in a
pediatric patient with bilateral retinoblastoma and poor prognosis for life and function.
Objective: To implement and evaluate the nursing process with a focus on palliative care in a
pediatric patient with bilateral retinoblastoma.
Methods: The conceptual basis for assessment was Marjory Gordon’s model. The formulation of
nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes and interventions were made with the NANDA-NOC-NIC
taxonomy. The evalua on of the improvement in the condition of the patient was made on the
basis of the performance indicators and target score.
Results: In target score, the patient showed improvement in immune status and pain level, from
serious and substan ally commitied to slightly compromised; in the state of comfort irritability,
the state decreased from substantially to slightly compromised, but not in the tissue integrity of
skin and mucous membranes, since this remained substantially jeopardized in the indicator of tissue
destruction. Parents showed ability for continued care.
Conclusions: On the basis of these results and considering the hemodynamic status of the patient,
the intensity of symptoms decreased, and there was an improvement in the parental relationship.
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