2014, Number S1
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (S1)
Characterization of drug dependence among patients at the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana
Galán BGM, Cordero AO
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 132.07 Kb.
EUM conducted a practical consequences which aimed to: identify drugs that most commonly
cause addiction in our country, the factors that influence their occurrence, the consequences for
the patient, the existence of other previous illnesses and how the person agrees to it. The
sample was constituted by 112 patients addicted to drugs for statistical analysis and measures
of central tendency were performed and frequency distribution. 62.4% of patients were between
21-30 years old, 72.4% were single, 40% Scoring at junior high school, 64.3% came from
homes whose parents had separated before they met the 15 year old, 80 had a family history of
addiction, predominantly paternal alcoholism, the average age of first use was 18 years old and
had a history of anxiety (49.1%), insomnia (49, 1%) and depression (46.4%), only 20% were
medical addictions. 30.4% were polydrug users, 29.5% mixed drugs with alcohol and only 33%
consumed only medicines. 49.1% started in the use of psychoactive substances with drugs.
Were trihexyphenidyl, carbamazepine, dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, and the most
commonly used drugs dextroproporxifeno looking similar to drug effects. In the last three years
there has been a decline in the use of non-medical meprobamate and Trihexyphenidyl purposes.
Drug addiction has a very negative impact on the lives of those affected.
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