2014, Number 3
Application of Initial Luria test in preschool children with neurodevelopmental deviations in Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Background: The application of neuropsychological instruments in preschool ages is a necessity for knowing and intervening in the pre-school stage skills. The low birth weight, metabolic disorders, history of perinatal hypoxia, minor neurological signs and hyperactivity disorders are neurodevelopmental deviations that have a cognitive deficit profile in preschool ages. Objective: To provide a review on the state of higher mental functions with Initial Luria test in preschool children with neurodevelopmental deviations in Cuba. Development: There is a reflection based on the results of the Initial Luria test in the preschool child in different neurodevelopmental deviations of interest for the international community, such as low birth weight, metabolic disorders, history of perinatal hypoxia, minor neurological signs and hyperactivity disorders. Conclusions: Children with neurodevelopmental disorders in preschool ages have a common cognitive deficit pattern. Despite of the neurological disorder children may have, the regulatory function of language, the visuo spatial ability, voluntary motor act and verbal and mathematical reasoning, are sensitive to not settle in time.REFERENCES
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