2014, Number 3
Clinical characteristics of patients with murmurs cared in a pediatric cardiology consultation
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: auscultation of a heart murmur during a physical examination of a child is common, which is the main interclinical reason in pediatric cardiology. Objective: To identify clinical characteristics of patients with murmurs cared in a pediatric cardiology consultation. Methodology: 118 children were studied from September 2011 to December 2012. The variables used were age, gender, family medical history, associated symptoms, location of the murmur, intensity, complementary exams (telecardiogram, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram doppler). Results: The group of 0 days to five years and male sex predominated. Chest pain, palpitations and dyspnea were the most common symptoms associated with the murmur. In 94 children the murmur was located in the mesocardiac region and 106 were grade II. Conclusions: Auscultation of a heart murmur during a physical examination of a child is frequent, that is why it is a periodically interclinical reason in pediatric cardiology consultation.REFERENCES
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