2014, Number 3
Clinical characteristics of patients with chest pain in the pediatric cardiology consultation
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Background: Chest pain in children is a common reason for attendance at the outpatient pediatric cardiology, creating a long and expensive diagnostic evaluation. However cardiovascular causes are rare. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of patients with chest pain in the outpatient pediatric cardiology. Methodology: A case series study which included 64 patients with chest pain cared in the Cardiology consultation at Sancti Spíritus Pediatric Hospital from January to December 2011. The variables used were age, sex, nutritional assessment, skin color, personal pathological history, cause of chest pain, associated symptoms and duration of pain. Results: The group of 11 to 15 years and males predominated. The most frequent causes were idiopathic, psychogenic and skeletal muscle. Palpitations, chills and sweating were the most common symptoms associated with pain. Conclusions: Chest pain is a common symptom in cardiology pediatric interconsultation but only occasionally may result from cardiovascular abnormalities.REFERENCES
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