2014, Number 12
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MediSan 2014; 18 (12)
Characterization of patients operated by means of videolaparoscopic apendicectomy due to acute appendicitis
Deulofeu BB, Rodríguez FZ, Cremé LE, Reyte SGL, Pineda CJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 71.62 Kb.
A descriptive, observational and longitudinal study of 478 patient discharged with the
histopathological diagnosis of acute appendicitis who had been operated by means of
videolaparoscopic apendicectomy, in the General Surgery Service of "Saturnino Lora
Torres" Teaching Provincial Clinical Surgical Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out
during the five year period 2008-2012, aimed at identifying the particularities of this
surgery type. The 21-30 years males, classified as ASA 2, according to the preoperative
physical examination, the festered appendicitis as histopathological diagnosis, the clinical
course between 24-48 hours, the surgical time 30-60 minutes and the average of hospital
stay 4,6 days prevailed in the series. The most frequent postoperative complications
turned out to be the infections of the surgical site and the intraabdominal abscesses. The
conversion index was 5.7% and there were no deaths. The systematic videolaparoscopic
surgery is a save procedure in patients with acute appendicitis in any phase of the clinical
course during the morbid process, with scarce postoperative morbidity and short hospital
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