2014, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2014; 43 (3)
Physical activity and health conditions of military police in attendance or health treatment
Mattos BC, Cascaes SF, Domingos SP, Barbosa GFPJ, Bernardo VM, da Silva R
Language: English
References: 29
Page: 326-340
PDF size: 245.24 Kb.
Introduction: different studies have demonstrated that public security agents,
despite their professional demands, are also affected by sedentary lifestyle. Several
causes have been identified for physical inactivity in Public Security agents, mainly in
Military Police officers, such as the high rates of distress, long working days, the
growth of violence and economic problems related to the permanence of institutions,
the lack of police officers and low salaries.
Objective: to analyze the association between usual physical activity, stress, health
conditions and socio demographic and occupational characteristics of the military
police which is attended to or those under hospital treatment.
Methods: the application of instruments Short Form Health Survey and the
international questionnaire on physical activity (long version) in 526 individuals.
Results: The statistical associations showed lower metabolic equivalent values in
domestic physical activities and lower occurrence of depression as a symptom of
stress whereas general health indexes tended to rise.
Conclusions: it can be concluded that the military police officers surveyed were
considered active people regarding the level of physical activity at home, in leisure
and occupational activities, and in mild, moderate and severe activities. The physical
and mental scores were found to be below the average estimated for the health
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