2014, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2014; 15 (3)
Prevalence of viral hepatitis B and C in workers of the Institute of Gastroenterology, Havana
Hernández AR, Castellanos FMI, Folgueira MRM, Cendan CA, Turcaz BN
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 24-30
PDF size: 257.40 Kb.
Introduction: The health workers are a risk group for infection with hepatitis viruses B and C.
Objective: To determine the current status of this problem in health care workers of the Institute of Gastroenterology.
Material and methods: A prevalence study was conducted in 180 workers with an average age of 41,5 ± 10.9 years during the period 2011-2012, and an average working time in the center of approximately 10 years.
Results: The prevalence of infection with hepatitis B virus was low (1,7 %) and the overall seroprevalence for hepatitis C virus was intermediate (2,2 %). Workers of general services were the most affected and occupational risk factors considered were not identified as probable routes of transmission. The seroprotection for hepatitis B was low, despite being mostly immunized previously.
Conclusions: Infection with hepatitis viruses B and C was not a health problem for workers in the institution; however, it is wise to exercise extreme control and compliance measures of protection and safety as well as revitalize the established immunization program for hepatitis B virus.
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