2014, Number 2
Risk factors associated to HIV/Aids in patients older than 15 years. Bayamo.
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 190.39 Kb.
Introduction: aids consists in the inability of the immunological system to face up the infections and other pathological processes and it increases when the level of lymphocytes T CD4 descends underneath 200 cells per blood millilitres.Objective: to determine the epidemiological behaviour of the risk factors associated to the HIV/ Aids in the population older than 15 years in the urban zone in Bayamo municipality.
Method: it was performed an analytical case - control study in order to identify the risk factors of the HIV/ Aids. We worked with a universe of 193 459 people older than 15 years, with a sample of 38 cases with a positive diagnosis to the HIV registered in the Municipal Prevention Center of STI and 76 controls of the non-infected population with HIV; in the investigation there were used primary and secondary sources, the survey, the interview and the clinical records of the patients.
Results: it prevailed the group of 30 to 44 years, the masculine sex, the low school level, STI antecedents, non use of the condom, risk sexual behaviours and the unemployed people.
Conclusions: the risk factors independently associated to the HIV/ Aids were: the alcoholism, the STI antecedents and the occupation (unemployed). There was a statistically significant association among the following risk factors: the alcoholism, the occupation (unemployed) and the school level (low).
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