2014, Number 2
Verification of the diagnosis and health action in patiens with visual deficiency. Jiguani 2013.
Batista MM, Sardiñas OGM, Castellanos BDF
Language: Spanish
References: 10
PDF size: 164.92 Kb.
The loss or decrease of the vision constitutes an important health problem, as it provokes psychic, social and labour changes of the person who suffers from it. It was performed an experimental study in Jiguaní during the months of January-June of the 2013, with the aim to verify the diagnostic of visual deficiency in the patients investigated in this municipality and there were carried out health actions that favours the improvement of the life quality of these persons. The universe of work was constituted by 300 patients with a previous diagnostic of visual deficiency and belonged to the ANCI. The sample was made by 228 patients with the diagnostic of deficient; in order to incorporate them into the society they received the suitable treatment according to their disability: medical, surgical treatment, visual rehabilitation in the consult of visual deficiency. As a result it was evidenced that in the patients younger than 15 years the greater percentage was in the masculine sex with 8 boys for 0,04% and in the patients older than 15 years the greater percentage was also in the masculine sex with 110 patients for 0,5%. According to the refractive defects, the most frequent was the astigmatism according to the type of treatment offered, the mostly used was the non optical type with 66 patients for 0.29% and the optical treatment with 60 patients for 0.26%, hypermetropic with 122 patients for 0, 48% and the hypermetropy with 98 patients for 0, 43%, distribution of patients according to the type of treatment offered. In the distribution of patients according to visual sharpness before and after the treatment 94 patients (0.41%) had initially a moderate visual affectation, after they received the treatment, 32 of them (0.14%) kept their visual deficit and 31 patients (0.01%) had severe decrease of the vision, after the treatment 20 (0.09%) kept their visual affectation. It was checked the diagnostic of visual deficiency in all the patients studied, it was evidenced the initial and final visual sharpness. There were performed health actions with the finally diagnosed patients.REFERENCES
Albóniga Morales L, Boffill Corrales AM, López Torres M, Gracía MuñozCL, Gómez Martinez N. Comportamiento clínico-epidemiológico de la baja visión en Pinar del Río, Cuba .Mayo de 2011-1012. Avances (Internet) 2008(citado 12 de Ene 2013) 10 (3) (aprox 9 p). Disponible en: http://wwww.avances.pinar.cu/No5202008-3/artículo.htm