2014, Number 2
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Mul Med 2014; 18 (2)
Prediction indexes, some methodological aspects for its bulding and validation.
Álvarez AA, Maceo GLR, Frómeta GA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
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The prediction indexes are useful tools in the daily medical practice, their genesis occurs in developed countries, based on the population characteristics, as well as in the application of items that are not always available in the developed countries. Besides, there are some differences in the risk prediction, in several investigations when they were applied in populations from other countries; there are aspects that indicate the need to create and validate new instruments in the regions where they are supposed to be applied. It is inevitable then, that non- developed countries generate their own indexes, taking into consideration the characteristics of the population and their resources, without using exclusively the resources of industrialized countries, because there may occur a possibility to underestimate or overestimate the risk.
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