2014, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Reu 2014; 16 (2)
Epidemic clinical behavior of the osteoarthritis in patient feminine
Cruz GY, Hernández CIM, Montero BB
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 90-96
PDF size: 304.32 Kb.
Study realized of form prospective and descriptive in 85 feminine patients with diagnostic of osteoarthritis primary, attended in the Rheumatology Centre in the period of January of the 2011 to June of the 2012, with the aim to describe the clinical behavior epidemiologic of the osteoarthritis primary in greater women of 60 years; the data extracted of the clinical history and through interview to the patients that attended to the external query. Predominate the white race with the 61.1 % of the cases, the group comprised between 70-79 years, the 47.1 % was masters of house and the 60 % had familiar antecedents with osteoarthritis, the elder percent by calculation of weight-size found between healthy and soberest for a 58.8 %. The most referred symptoms were the pain and the rigidity after present rest in the 89.4 % and 77.6 % of the cases respectively, the most affected articulations were the distaff interphalangeal joint of hand in upper members, the knees in inferior members and the lumbar region in the crumple axial.
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