2014, Number S1
Group dynamics in the cycle of General English in Dentistry undergraduate studies
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 136-150
PDF size: 148.11 Kb.
Background: group dynamics is an active, cooperative and participatory way to deal with the English language teaching-learning process because it allows the student to feel safe and important in a learning environment; but, on the other hand, it demands the teachers’ reflection, imagination and creativity.Objective: to design a system of activities for dealing with group dynamics in the cycle of General English in Dentistry undergraduate studies.
Methods: a descriptive observational cross-sectional study, with qualitative approach, was conducted at the Department of Languages of the Medical University of Villa Clara from 2012 to 2013. The theoretical and methodological foundations for the treatment of group dynamics in the cycle of General English were considered. Of a population of 10 teachers, a non-random purposive sample of 7 teachers was selected. Also, several methods and research techniques of the theoretical and empirical level were applied to achieve the objective.
Results: the respondents stated the low utilization of activities for the treatment of group dynamics in the English teaching-learning process, as well as the ignorance of many of its participatory techniques; therefore a set of activities was designed to promote group dynamics during class.
Conclusions: there are limitations in the treatment of group dynamics in the cycle of General English in Dentistry undergraduate studies. The design of the system of activities was assessed and approved by expert judgment.
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