2014, Number S1
Pedagogical strategy to perfect the use of Spanish in the students of biomedical basic sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 118-135
PDF size: 184.90 Kb.
Background: the dentistry students from the Medical Sciences University of Villa Clara present limitations in the use and mastery of the mother tongue, which do not allow an adequate and professional performance.Objective: to design a pedagogical strategy to perfect the use of Spanish by these students.
Methods: a prospective longitudinal research project was done, with a universe of 112 students, from which a sample of 79 first year students was taken. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, structural-systemic and modelling; empirical methods: documentary analysis of the syllabuses and methodological guidelines for the subject Morphophysiology, observation of classes in order to verify the fulfillment of the instruction 1/09; two pedagogical tests were given, in order to check the previous knowledge of orthography, composition and interpretation, and to assess the efficacy of the actions derived from the strategy designed; and mathematical methods, to describe the data in absolute and relative values.
Results: difficulties were diagnosed, among them, incorrect use of graphemes, accentuation and punctuation marks, also difficulties in interpretation and composition. A pedagogical strategy was designed which includes methodological counseling to the teachers about how to work out the Spanish language in Morphophysiology, and the creation of a website related with the subject.
Conclusions: the strategy was assessed as adequate by criteria of specialists. After being applied, it has been verified a low percentage of progress in the eradication of the difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to continue insisting on this issue, and assessing its results for several academic years.
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