2014, Number S1
Progression of methodological work in Dentistry undergraduate studies in Villa Clara: a necessary approach
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 103-117
PDF size: 148.18 Kb.
Background: methodological work aims to raise the expertise of teachers based on the established knowledge of pedagogy and teaching of medical sciences.Objective: to characterize the development of methodological work in Dentistry undergraduate studies in Villa Clara, from its beginnings to the current changes.
Methods: a descriptive longitudinal study of the methodological work carried out at Faculty of Dentistry in Villa Clara, from 1979 to the present, was conducted. The theoretical methods used included analysis-synthesis, induction and deduction and the historical-logical method. The empirical methods used included a documentary analysis of curricula and methodological guidelines, plans of methodological work, annual reports, minutes of methodological meetings, resolutions, final reports of events and presentations, awards and diplomas, photographs, and digitized material created for the preparation of teachers. In addition, interviews were conducted with key informants.
Results: the authors provide the most relevant aspects of methodological work at every stage, from the beginning, emphasizing its protagonists and their achievements, as proof of their meritorious effort. It also highlights the importance of methodological work in the training of teachers, whose training is basically as dentists.
Conclusions: it was confirmed the positive development of the methodological work carried out at the Faculty of Dentistry in the Medical University of Villa Clara, from its beginnings to the current projection, which reflects the leading role of their teaching staff in methodological training.
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