2014, Number S1
The development of skills in Dentistry students through the subject Periodontology
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 76-88
PDF size: 129.90 Kb.
Background: the development of skills in medical students contributes to the improvement of their performance as future professionals.Objective: to analyze the contribution of the subject Periodontology to the achievement of the skills expected for third-year Dentistry undergraduate studies.
Method: a descriptive study was conducted, according to scientific logic and the foundations that characterize educational research, at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Medical University in Villa Clara, during the academic year 2013-2014. The theoretical methods used included analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction to analyze and present the results. The empirical methods included a documentary analysis of Curriculum D of Dentistry undergraduate studies and the syllabus of Periodontology.
Results: as a result of the analysis performed, it was found that topic I of the subject Periodontics allows the development of logical-intellectual skills and practical skills that are specific to dental science, as well as teaching or study skills, and logical-dialectical skills, which are stated in the Curriculum D of Dentistry undergraduate studies during the third year of study.
Conclusions: it was concluded that those skills are attainable through the teaching-learning process of the subject Periodontology, specifically through Topic I: Introduction to Clinic.
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