2014, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2014; 15 (2)
Informational Competences on Occupational Health Questionnaire. Application and results
Fernández LBL, Ávila RI, Labarrere SN, Díaz PH
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 35-39
PDF size: 178.28 Kb.
The development of new technologies of the information and communications supply the prosecution, storing, and access to information in different formats, on account of the information literacy process, and the formation of informational competences have became in one necessity for all professionals and technicians. During last years, the surgetmen inside of the society of new formats of work have imposed big goals to professionals of the Occupational Health who have in front them, the imperative of ascend the life quality of the worker population. At nearly a decade of initiation of information literacy process on the health sector, an study was realized which let us to explorer the informational competences to professionals who disengagement into this field, for this purpose a research was realized, the population of this study were constituted for pupils which profile of work were of Occupational Health system and had received courses into National Institute of Workers Health inside the period of two years that the investigation delayed. To this selected group for study were applied the Informal Competences on Occupational Health Questionnaire. The results revealed that only three subjects showed an adecuate level into the informational competences. The differences that were found through a questionary applied showed its utility as tool in order to reveal the necessities of teaching, and to serve an apprenticeship on this thematic.
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