2013, Number 4
Pseudophakic patient visual state with posterior capsule opacity, before and after the laser treatment.
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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It was carried out a descriptive transversal study with the objective of describing the pseudophakic patient visual state, with posterior capsule opacity, before and after the laser treatment. The universe of study and the sample were formed by 113 eyes corresponding to 56 patients with posterior capsule opacity to whom were carried out a laser treatment from July to November 2007 in the Ophthalmologic Centre of the Bolivar state. The studied variables were: age, sex, visual acuteness before and after the treatment, ophthalmologic illnesses that conspired against the improvement of the sight. The results were presented in charts; the simple statistical method was used; as summaries measures the absolute numbers and per cent. Before the treatment with laser, 46.0 % of the eyes had a visual acuteness from 0.2 to 0.3. After the laser treatment 74.5% of the patients improved their visual acuteness from 0.7 to 1, 0. Only 3.4 % of the patients will not improve their sight for presenting a glaucomatous optical atrophy. The capsulotomy with laser achieve that the patient improves considerably his sight, if there is not any ophthalmologic illness that conspires against it.REFERENCES
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