2014, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2014; 15 (1)
Female workers and Mercurial exposure in the stomatological clinics of Havana city
Jova RMC, Díaz PH, Ibarra FVEJ, Jova LY
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 71-78
PDF size: 448.12 Kb.
An observational descriptive cross-sectional study of 891 women exposed to mercury vapors from the 73 dental clinics in the city of Havana was realized, with the aim of assessing the degree of damage to the health of these workers and their impact on job stability. Were given a single survey that included the variables listed for this type of study, and employment records were reviewed to collect morbidity by these workers. According to the aforementioned symptoms, the most marked before the exhibition was the nervous system, and thereafter, respectively, with a longer exposure time of 5 years and in the group of those aged between 20 and 49 years. Spontaneous abortions, deliveries with complications, stillbirths and malformed events were more females presented with over 6 years of exposure to mercury. Morbidity, frequency and days lost reached values of 51.4, 101.7 and 2 412.5, respectively.
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