2013, Number 4
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (4)
Maternal and neonatal morbility in the primitive cesarea.
Alvarez CA, Bartutis BER
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 64.34 Kb.
Introduction: the cesarea is one of the most used procedures from the antiquity. In
the international, national and local level, there is an increase of the index of primitive
cesareas with a great maternal and neonatal morbility and mortality.
Objective: to identify the maternal and neonatal morbility related to the primitive
Methods: it was made an analytical, case-control, univaried study in the Obstetrics
service at Carlos Manuel de Cespedes General University Hospital in Bayamo, since
January 1st until June 30, 2011. The variables, maternal morbility, low birth weights,
low Apgar after the 5 minutes of life and neonatal morbility were analyzed using
absolute, relative frequencies and the reason of crossed products (OR), with a level of
significance of 5% to determine the degree of association of each one with the
primitive cesarea.
Results: the endometritis was the most important maternal complication, constituted
like a risk factor (OR=1,080) and statistical association (p 0,001). Within the neonatal
morbility, there were the pulmonary edema and the broncoaspiration of amniotic
meconial liquid like the most frequent complications (OR= 5,374) (OR=4,134) (p
0,001); and the risk factors were the transitory distress and the hypoxia (OR=2,526)
Conclusions: the index of primitive cesareas was high in the period studied. The
endometritis was the a risk factor of statistical significance. Within the neonatal
morbility, there were emphazised the pulmonary edema and the broncoaspiration of
amniotic meconial liquid like the most frequent complications, and the transitory
distress and the hypoxia were the risk factors.
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