2013, Number 4
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (4)
Educational Intervention in teenagers of the medical offices 63 A, B and C about the precocious pregnancy. 2010-2011.
Alcolea VA, López RC, Nogueras CJ, Viera GR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 53.83 Kb.
Introduction: The pregnancy in the adolescence constitutes a health problem to world-wide
level, for the complications and the social repercussion that involves the mother and the
Objective: it was performed an educational intervention, with the aim to increase the
level of knowledge in regards to the precocious pregnancy in the adolescence, in a group of
teenagers belonging to the the Polyclinic 13 de Marzo in Bayamo, within a period of two
years, (December 2010 to December of 2011).
Method: there were practiced some
activities about the risk factors, the use of contraceptives, complications of the precocious
pregnancy and its social repercussion. The sample was made by 108 teenage patients, and
there was applied a survey to them before and after the educational intervention.
Results: Before the beginning of the educational intervention the level of knowledge was evaluated
of low, and after the intervention more than 95% of the teenagers increased their necessary
knowledge to avoid the precocious pregnancy. It was evidenced that 97.2% of the
teenagers increased their knowledges regarding the risk factors of the precocious pregnancy
and 98.1% mastered the social repercussion of the pregnancy in the adolescence.
Conclusions: With the educational intervention directed towards to teenagers about the
precocious pregnancy, it was outstandingly increased the level of knowledge on the subject.
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