2013, Number 3
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Rev Cub Gen 2013; 7 (3)
Prevalence of congenital defects in Arroyo Naranjo municipality during 2007-2011
Reyes BK, Roque FD, Rodríguez LY, López Z, Abreu AFMA, Moreno TK
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 17-25
PDF size: 571.40 Kb.
At present congenital defects constitute in Cuba the second cause of death in children less than 1 year old, with a prevalence at birth equal to 1,0 per 10 000 births. Congenital defects not only produce a high mortality rate, but also make those suffering them highly impaired, followed by the resultant emotional and economic repercussion on the family and society as a whole. The Cuban Registry of Congenital Malformations and the Cuban Registry of Prenatal Congenital Malformations provided the required information: therapeutic interruptions due to congenital malformations detected by the prenatal diagnosis program and births with congenital defects that took place in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality in the period 2007-2011. When calculating the prevalence at birth and the prevalence at birth adjusted to congenital malformations, the clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of congenital defects in the municipality were analyzed and classified considering their number and etiopathogenesis. This led us to understand that a more active intervention regarding the prevention, diagnosis and early treatment of congenital malformations is possible and necessary.
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