2014, Number 09
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MediSan 2014; 18 (09)
Main clinical, endoscopic and histological diagnosis in aged patients with gastric and duodenal disorders
Marrero SY, Martén MD, Bosch CJO, Ulloa AB, González PJE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 167.01 Kb.
A descriptive and retrospective study of 257 old men with gastric and duodenal
disorders, according to clinical endoscopic and histological results who were admitted in
the Internal Medicine and Geriatrics Departments of "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso"
Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba was carried out during the biennium
2010-2011, with the aim of characterizing them and to identify the main diagnosis in
them. Among the gastric and duodenal diseases the gastric ones prevailed; also, the
male sex, the age group 70-79 years and the antral gastritis as endoscopic finding
prevailed. It was demonstrated that a high number of patients were infected by
Helicobacter pylori and that the density of slight colonization was distinguished as the
gastric lesion progressed.
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