2006, Number 1
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Acta Med 2006; 4 (1)
Response to intravenous cyclophosphamide in patients suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy secondary to rheumatic diseases
Arévalo MFG, Andrade OL, Irazoque PF
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 19-24
PDF size: 63.55 Kb.
Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a frequent manifestation from rheumatic diseases. Its evolution could be progressing and disabling and its treatment is very seldom satisfactory. Because of this, we decided to evaluate the response to the treatment with monthly pulses of intravenous cyclophosphamide (MCPh IV) in a group of patients presenting PN associated to diverse rheumatic diseases. We studied fourteen patients sufering from serious PN, eight patients with PN secondary to systemic erythematous lupus, two patients presenting PN secondary to primary Sjogren, and four with PN secondary to nodal polyarteritis. A questionnaire and a validated neurological examination was performed and examination of conduction studies before and after 6 MCPh IV monthly pulses. All patients were women having been diagnosed PN at the age of 39.4 years old. The 48.2% of the patients got better due to the treatment. This group of patients was younger at the moment of the diagnosis and presented a shorter recovering time than the patients that had not presented any kind of response to the treatment. MCPh could be a therapeutic option in patients presenting severe PN. Early diagnosis and treatment are determining factors to achieve a better response.
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