2014, Number 5
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2014; 18 (5)
Intervention strategy about diabetologica education and chronic renal failure
Sánchez CL, Sánchez MM, Ochoa OMR, Pérez JJL, Arteaga PY
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 767-778
PDF size: 165.69 Kb.
Introduction: diabetes mellitus and the chronic renal failure are in their evolution associated to the oxidative stress, a reason why diabetologic education on the knowledge regarding this relation must result in a better control of diabetes and lower risk of diabetic nephropathy.
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on type 2 diabetic patients about oxidative stress and chronic renal failure in the medical office number 10 of Hermanos Cruz University Outpatient Polyclinic of Pinar del Río.
Material and method: an applied, quantitative, longitudinal, prospective, quasi-experimental research of intervention was carried out in the medical office number 10 of Hermanos Cruz University Outpatient Polyclinic, in the period from April 1 to September 15 2013. The sample group of 56 type 2 diabetic patients was studied. Descriptive statistics techniques were used as well as the McNemar chi-square test.
Results: the predominating group was that of 60-69 years old. After applying the strategy, the sheer number of patients knew about the existence of the relationship among diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure and smoking. The highest majority knows about the concept of oxidative stress associated to the disease, and also the existence of kidney affections in the diabetic patients and the importance of salt, sugar, oil, and vegetables adequate consumption. Among the food habit there was a predominance of vegetable sans white sugar.
Conclusions: high blood pressure and obesity constitute, of the diseases with intense oxidative stress, the most frequent of the studied group. After applying the strategy, the total number of the patients improved the level of knowledge about their disease.
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