2013, Number 1
Necesidad de una formación investigativa transdisciplinar a partir del pregrado en las ciencias de la Salud
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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In Cuba the diversity of Health professionals that can be in oneself educational or investigative scenario imposes that, for the development of the investigations, it´s necessary of the knowledge of several disciplines. On the other hand the introduction and development of much novel technologies in the Health sciences have forced to the own disciplines are transcended to create a wider and more common conception on an investigation problem in question. We intended as objective to think about the necessity of developing a transdisciplinary conscience among the health professionals in the improvement of the investigations that they propouse. It is a necessary tool in the formation of more competent professionals and with a better bio-psico-socialenvironmentalist focus of the health problems, mainly with a critical, aucritical and teamwork thought.REFERENCES
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