2012, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2012; 11 (4)
Carbapenemases, an actual threat
Morejón GM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 2613-2618
PDF size: 88.12 Kb.
Although bacterial resistance is a natural evolutionary phenomenon, the selective
pressure exerted by antibiotic use in the past 70 years has accelerated its rhythm
more than has happened in millions of years before. Bacteria have developed multiple
resistance mechanisms in its evolution: production of inactivating enzymes, mutation
sites of action, efflux pump, etc. Production of carbapenemase–carbapenem
inactivating enzymes-, is one of the most recent, but perhaps of the greatest concern because virtually inactivate the last therapeutic step against multidrug-resistant gramnegative
organisms. A review of articles published in different languages related to
carbapenemases is presented. The emergence and development of carbapenemases is
a global threat and overuse of carbapenems is the main factor. Measures to achieve a
proper and rational use of carbapenems would be the best strategy to preserve these
antibiotics for the future.
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