2014, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2014; 30 (3)
Itolizumab humanized monoclonal antibody (anti-cd6) in patients with cd6+ lymphoproliferative disorders. Preliminary experience
Izquierdo CLM, Espinosa EEE, Hernández PC, Ramón RLG, Ávila COM, Hernández RP, Montero CJE, Hernández CP
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 257-264
PDF size: 89.56 Kb.
CD6 molecule is a membrane glycoprotein considered a leukocyte differentiation
antigen. Itolizumab, humanized monoclonal antibody (anti-CD6) recognizes the
human CD6 molecule in malignant peripheral mononuclear cells of patients with B-cell
chronic lymphocytic leukemia and in lymphocytes of cutaneous lesions in patients
with cutaneous T- cell lymphoma. We describe preliminary results of 3 patients with
B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia treated with itolizumab at a weekly dose of
0.8 mg/kg/dose for 12 weeks. Product administration safety was evaluated in
patients with CD6+ lymphoproliferative disorders and preliminary evidence of
therapeutic effect of the drug was obtained. In 100% of the patients the onset of
fever and chills associated to the first infusion were reported. No serious adverse
effects were observed. All patients evaluated had at least some clinical or
hematological improvement.
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