2012, Number 2
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2012; 11 (2)
Clinical description of Guillain-Barré syndrom
Sánchez LJV, Chao CL, Chávez EJA, Domínguez GL, Wong VL, Blanco VE
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 2398-2408
PDF size: 92.46 Kb.
Introduction: Guillain Barré is an acute polyradiculoneuropathy, it is inflammatory
demyelinating immune-based. It is self-limiting, rapidly progressive and potentially
Objectives: To characterize patients with Guillain Barré syndrom according to
epidemiological variables; to describe the most common clinical variants, and the
development and treatment of these patients.
Methods: Observational, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study with a
universe consisting of 56 patients treated in intensive care services at the Institute of
Neurology and Calixto Garcia Hospital from 1999 to 2009.
Results: There was a higher incidence in the age group of 40-59 years (44,63 %) and
females 66,07 %. We collected a history of respiratory infectious processes (44,65 %).
Furthermore 69,65 % presented the classical clinical variant. 94,61 % of the patients
evolved favorably, although two patients died from pure pandysautonomic variant. 18
patients (32,14 %) required artificial ventilation.
Conclusions: The group with the highest prevalence in the study was 40-59 years,
with a predominance of females and whites patients. The classic clinical variant
revealed to be more regularly. The higher percentage of patients responded favorably,
without complications, while a large group of patients received additional treatment
such as artificial ventilation in intensive care unit.
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