2014, Number 4
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Rev Méd Electrón 2014; 36 (4)
Clinical method versus new technologies
Alfonso JA, Laucirica HC, Mondejar RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 499-511
PDF size: 66.44 Kb.
Technological development in medical sciences could lead professionals to the false
idea that in an era of so much technological advance, questioning, thorough
medical examination, symptoms and sign diagnosis, syndromes and nosological
entities establishment at the patients’ bed are obsolete, and that the scientific
method applied to the process health-disease, that is, the clinical method is
inadequate. In this term the author´s aim was analyzing the indiscriminate
influence of the technology in medical diagnosing in disadvantage of the clinical
method usage. The clinical method is the scientific method applied to work with
patients. It is a system of rules to order procedures the physician uses to bring
together symptoms and signs; with them the physician works out diagnoses,
consisting in accurately knowing, denominating and classifying a disease, improving
medical practice and professional teaching and education. The clinical method
stages are problem, searching for basic information, hypothesis, comparing
presumptive diagnosis with the definitely-set diagnosis. Many physicians in the
world have developed dependence on the laboratory analyses, image techniques
and electrocardiograms to increase their incomes, and others are “colonized” by
techniques and have weakened, by misuse or bad use, their abilities for
questioning, examining, arriving to diagnoses from symptoms, syndromes, diseases
and differentials and their reasoning capacity. The clinical method is not obsolete;
technology does get obsolete, and may fails, but it is not less important as a
complementary, so the most rational way is, making hypotheses and drawing a
plan of research beginning from an adequate diagnosis judgment and taking into
account the patient´s own characteristics, cost-benefit relation, availability,
accessibility and risks.
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