2014, Number 4
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Rev Méd Electrón 2014; 36 (4)
Deforming buccal habits and dental malocclusions in children aged 5-11 years
Álvarez GMC, Pérez LA, Martínez BI, García NM, Suárez OR
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 396-407
PDF size: 720.69 Kb.
Introduction: buccal habits may alter the stomatognathic system normal
development; provoke disequilibrium among the muscular forces and cause
deformation. These habits modify teeth position, the relation and form the dental
arches keep between them, interfering in the normal grow and function of the
buccal-facial muscles. The purpose of this term is identifying children affected by
non-nutritive habits practices and their relation with dental malocclusion
Method: we carried out a cross sectional descriptive research in children aged 5-11
years, assisting to primary schools located in the health area of the Milanes
policlinic, in Matanzas. The universe was formed by 2 300 children from which we
selected an age-stratified, non-randomized sample of 506 male and female
students assisting to Jose A. Echeverría and Manuel Ascunce Domenech primary
schools, 2005-2006 school years, treated at the Teaching Stomatologic Clinic “III
Congreso del PCC”. We identified the following habits: buccal breathing, digital
suction and atypical swallowing, and we determined their relation with dental
Results: 58,7 % of the children practiced deforming buccal habits. Atypical
swallowing showed the highest prevalence (25,3 %), followed by buccal breathing
(19, 4 %) and digital suction (14,0 %). Class II, division 1 malocclusions
predominated in the children identified with deforming habits, and their values
were: 34,7 %. 39,4 % and 32 % in those practicing buccal breathing, digital
suction and atypical swallowing, in that order. There it was a progressive habit
decrease proportional to age increase.
Conclusions: most of the children identified with buccal deforming habits were
related with the presence of dental malocclusions. In them, the anomalies
increased with age. Class II, division 1 malocclusions prevailed over the rest of the
studied clinical entities. This fact warns us about the necessity of preventing these
harmful practices in early ages, and demanding the fulfillment of the dental-facial
anomalies prevention and interception program at the primary health care level.
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