2014, Number 3
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2014; 19 (3)
Gestational diabetes and metformin
San Martín-Herrasti JM, Alcázar-Álvarez LS, Serrano-Berrones MÁ, Tirado-Chávez J, Castro-Herrera GA
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 347-355
PDF size: 451.99 Kb.
Background: The global prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
(GDM) is estimated to be 14%. Whenever the development of diabetes
is observed in younger people which is more frequent diagnosis of
GDM. The management of GDM with insulin which is the gold standard
is associated with increased cost and complications, metformin is the
main hypoglycemic used in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and is a
category B drug for use in pregnancy FDA. The usefulness of metformin
in pregnancy is discussed.
Material and methods: Searches the available literature the last 7 years
to answer related to the utility of metformin in patients with GDM
Results: It is seen that is accepted use of metformin in 76.6% of patients,
the use of metformin to control was effective in 53.7% of cases and
when insulin was added were less requirements and complications when
compared only with the use of insulin. The prevalence of complications
or side effects is low, so that its use in pregnancy is safe.
Conclusion: Metformin is a safe drug, with a high rate of effectiveness,
which can be considered as the first option in the medical management
of GDM.
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