2014, Number 4
Communication skills in Curriculum D of the BA in Information Sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 410-425
PDF size: 723.02 Kb.
Objective: analyse the Curriculum D developed in Cuba for the BA in Information Sciences and characterize the communication skills stated therein.Methods: the skills stated in the professional's model, academic years and disciplines were represented by means of word maps. Triangulation was performed of the bibliometric method with the content analysis of Curriculum D.
Results: in the document, infinitives related to communication were linked to the presentation of contents through information products, services and systems, as well as projects for the socialization of reading and the development of reading practices for various educational, information and leisure purposes.
Conclusions: input skills were presented in an explicit and implicit manner and were associated to reading and listening. Output skills were more commonly stated in an explicit manner and were aimed at developing oral and written expression. In both cases the relationship to technological changes was stated in an implicit, superficial manner.
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Fernández Hernández S, Cárdenas Berrio MK. Aproximación a la formación de competencias investigativas en los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Información: principales fortalezas y debilidades. En: Comunicación Fd, editor. VII Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores y Estudiosos de la Información y la Comunicación (ICOM). La Habana; 2013.
Frías Guzmán M, Lorenzo Hernández N, Meneses Placeres G. Las habilidades comunicativas en los planes de estudio de las Ciencias de la Información en Cuba. En: Comunicación Fd, editor. VII Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores y Estudiosos de la Información y la Comunicación (ICOM). La Habana: 2013.