2014, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2014; 25 (4)
Proposal of indicators to identify cultural capital in information institutions
Cardellá CC, Rivera Z, León SM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 397-409
PDF size: 211.81 Kb.
Objective: propose guidelines to identify cultural capital in information institutions.
Methods: a descriptive study was conducted. Classic document analysis was used,
as well as interviews based on the variables social climate, confidence ties,
communication channels, commitment and sense of belonging, work conditions,
work competences, organizational culture, cultural values, satisfaction, experience
and leadership. Cultural capital definitions, perspectives and component elements
were presented, as well as their importance for information institutions. An analysis
was conducted of the dimensions of cultural capital. Variables such as attitudes,
values, aptitudes, capacities, learning and organizational culture were
operationalized through indicators and headings based on the Intellectus model and
identification modes for cultural capital in educational and cultural institutions.
Results: cultural capital was identified on the basis of multidimensional, closely
interrelated elements. The cognitive dimension, the structural dimension and the
relational dimension were found to play an essential role in the creation and
transmission of cultural capital. These three dimensions were closely interrelated,
making it possible for cultural capital to be generated, developed and transmitted
to all levels in the organization, contributing to improve management decisions.
Conclusions: cultural capital was found to be a crucial element in organizations,
differentiating them on the basis of the characteristics of their members.
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