2014, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2014; 31 (2)
Experience and Student Perception of a Medical Human Anatomy Course.
López-Cervantes G, Sotelo-Cruz N, Hernández-Chávez G, Padilla-Barba A
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 111-115
PDF size: 51.94 Kb.
Introduction: The work of a teacher in a medical career should not focus on the domain of medical science but to know
well psychophysiological processes that constitute the learning process that influence teaching. The innovation in the
use of pedagogical strategies is an important cognitive tool.
Methods and Material: In 38 first-year medicine students who were studying theoretical anatomy, four learning strategies
were used: 1) Team work, 2) Answer a questionnaire, 3) Presentation and discussion, 4) Correlation of anatomic injury and
illness. At the end of the course a perception questionnaire was applied about the use of learning strategies, using Likert scale following: a) Not useful, b) Little use, c) Fair use, d) good value, e) excellent. 96.6% of the students perceive the
strategies used as “good or excellent” and all of the students omitted the answer “Not useful”·
Conclusion: The strategies used awakened the interest in the group as they were focused on the student, causing in them
self-perception and internalization of learning concepts, this is a substantial argument in educational competencies.
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