2014, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2014; 31 (2)
Risk Factors by Cesarean Sectionin Women Attended at the Sonora State Integrated Women Hospital
López-Saiz LE, Rojo-Quiñonez AR, López-Saiz CM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 96-100
PDF size: 279.48 Kb.
Methods: We carried out an observational, prospective, descriptive study; it was conducted at HIMES Hospital. Patients
with 36 or more weeks of pregnancy attending the emergency room at the hospital were selected for this study. The riskfactors considered were: gestational age, maternal age, number of previous pregnancies, Bishop score, and and weight
Results: 326 patients were included in this study, 25% of delivery route were by cesarean section. For patients who
gained more weight than recommended, the risk for cesarean section increases in 11.49%. Regarding Bishop score, when
it is lower than 6, it is associated with a 60% probability for cesarean section (p‹.05).Gestationa l age of 41 weeks or
higher increases cesarean sectionrate up to 39.72%. Respecting maternal age, teen patients, 15 years or younger, have a
high rate of 60%. Nulliparous patients had a 34% of cesarean rate.
Conclusions: We concluded that a low Bishop score, a gestational age of 41 weeks or higher, teenager of 15 years or
younger, nulliparous patients and a weight gain higher than recommended to the body mass index, are risk factors for
cesarean section.
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