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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2014; 31 (2)
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 66-76
PDF size: 552.15 Kb.
Introduction: The social determinants of health (DSS), are the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work
and age, including the health system. They are the result of the distribution of money, power and resources at global,
national and local level that depends in turn on the policies adopted. The DSS explain most of health inequities, that is,
unjust and avoidable observed differences in and between the countries in regard to the health situation.
Objective: Understand the impact of environments where children are born, they live and grow children with regard to the
difficulties that presented in its development, in this case in what has been classified as ADHD. Corroborate patterns at
the level of population between the socio-economic circumstances (social vulnerability) and children ’s mental health
Material and Methods: We selected 100 of the 300 cases with a diagnosis of ADHD, served from january.2011 thrudecember.
2013, suscribed to the Popular Insurance (Seguro Popular) scheme. A Study retrospective, cross-sectional, and
observational study was made. SPSS programm version 19 was used. It is considered a preliminary report.
Results: It is noteworthy, the socioeconomic conditions in which families live inthis study: socioeconomic level low.
More than half of the mothers are responsible for the family (single mothers). The majority of parents (both) are at work,
informal or underemployed; they have low schooling, much only completed secondary education.
Triple work shifts in
women (child care, work of the home, and another activity to gather resources to survive). In relation to their income level,
most were in the lower levels. In terms of diagnostics identified that they corresponded much of these to social problems,
more to ADHD. Therefore 81% of cases undergoing pharmacological treatment, and of them 63% with methylphenidate
varied doses; and 31.5% methylphenidate combined with other medications. Subsequently, 44% of the cases the treatment
was suspended by the parents.
Conclusions: It is required to take into account the socioeconomic conditions where the children live, and their families,
therefore know how these affect their development and behavior, and not only consider the biomedical model, overdiagnose
risk and improperly medicating problems that have a root social, without identifying the reason for such
behaviour, which is where it should deepen more widely. Is required to increase awareness in the staff of health and
education of the importance of the social determinants of health, in order to have a greater understanding; as well as a
more responsible and approach suitable for children of these most vulnerable groups.
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