2014, Number 08
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MediSan 2014; 18 (08)
Knowledge about the HIV/aids in adolescents of different teaching levels
Sagaró CNM, Gómez DM, Moraga RA, García MY
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1138-1143
PDF size: 49.19 Kb.
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of adolescents from Santiago de Cuba
municipality with ages between 16 and 20 years, belonging to different teaching levels
was carried out in order to compare the knowledge level they had on HIV/aids during
the first semester of 2012. Three study groups were formed (A, B and C), according to
the teaching level. Group A was formed by preuniversity students; group B was
formed by those of diverse careers not belonging to the medical sciences and group C,
by those of the medicine career. A survey was made to measure each variable. It was
verified that there were no significant differences in knowledge on the topic, in relation
to the type and teaching level of where they came.
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