2013, Number 2
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (2)
Academic stress: causes and consequences
Maceo PO
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 246.85 Kb.
It was performed a bibliographic review about the presence of the academic stress in the students of medicine career, a very important aspect that conditions the low academic performance in these students. This work has the aim to increase the main causes and consequences of the academic stress in medical students. For its development, there were made researches for two months in the Internet: Medline and in Pubmed, and there were consulted around 500 references. The main cause of the academic stress were: schedule time, system of evaluations, financial system, amount of work, difficulty with the material of study, lifestyle, competition, adaptation and demand of the course; and between the main consequences there were found the lack of concentration, intellectual fatigue, inapetence for the usual tasks, oversight, sexual fatigue, sadness, descent of the intellectual or physical performance, nervousness, modification of the cardiac frequency, blood pressure, metabolism and physical activity.
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